Back to School Tips Courtesy of The Basquettes and MoodClue Mom

“I remember how crazy the back-to-school season was when my daughter was young, and I was a single, working mom trying to do everything and be everywhere. It all seemed overwhelming. New teachers, new routines and expectations, new homework schedules, new team sports, new after school activities – wow – it was a lot!  Hope these hacks and tips help combat the craziness!” says Elizabeth Wilmot, co-founder of Basquettes and MoodClue.

School Supplies

Those darn back-to-school shopping lists!  Before you buy all the new “stuff” on those lists, see what your kids have leftover from last year that can be reused.  Do they really need new crayons, pens, pencils or can they reuse the ones from last year?  For the things you must buy, you know the drill – shop early and shop around to get the best deals on the new supplies.

New Clothes

This is a tough one, especially if you have a girl.  First, I always took her shopping with me and we made a “date” out of it so it was a fun, happy time.  We always went with a budget so there were no tears or whining.  I tried to buy her things that went together so that she could mix and match and make different outfits out of the same pieces, so it looked like she had more clothes.  Mostly there were color themes – like pink one year, purple the next. 

Old Clothes

This should probably be trick number 2 but who wants to talk about old clothes first? Before we went shopping, we took all her clothes out and had a “fashion show” to review what still fit.  Cell phones with cameras weren’t a thing back then but now I would snap photos of her in the clothes that still fit so we could see them as part of our mix and match ideas while shopping. Also, one of our last stops during our shopping date was always to the thrift shop.  We had some great finds like belts, purses and even a few great winter jackets!

School Lunch

Most years, my daughter didn’t go to a school where they served lunch so I had to pack one every day which was a challenge.  I tried not to grocery shop on Sunday evening as the stores were really crowded then.  Instead, I usually went on Saturday afternoons and bought enough to get us through to Thursday.  I used Sundays to cook ahead so that I wouldn’t have to think about cooking every weeknight.

Dinner on Weeknights

The dreaded time between after-school activities and homework when everyone is tired and crabby.  I wish I had Basquettes back then to roast and air-fry snacks and meals in my oven as that would have saved me a lot of time and money.  I always believe in making extra food so that everyone can enjoy leftovers for at least one meal.

Getting and Staying Organized

We used to have a big whiteboard with MoodClue markers on the refrigerator to schedule all the activities – though now there are some great online organizers. Whatever you decide to use, use it and keep using it. Being organized is key to staying stress free!

Finally, remember this saying, “the days are long but the years are short.”  Try to live in the moment and enjoy the bustle of daily life. Your kids will be grown and gone faster than you realize.